Local Authorities must publish (on the Local Authority's website) their 'Local Offer'.
The Local Offer should be written with parents, young people and representatives from local schools and should not be just 'a directory of services'. It should include information about provision available for children and young people with SEN and/or Disabilities across Education, Social Care and Health.
The Local Offer should set out the type of provision the Local Authority expects schools to be making from within their own resources, without the need for a child or young person to have an 'Education, Health and Care plan'.
The Local Offer is likely to contain links to local maintained mainstream schools which will include the schools's SEN Information Report, which schools must publish and review every year and should be available to download from the school's website.
The Local Offer should be reviewed on an annual basis and comments should be published on the website.
Details of what MUST be included in the Local Offer can be found in Chapter 4 of the SEND Code of Practice (2015).